суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

dvd miami vice

... I bought season 3. �Good news: itapos;s still very watchable. Better news:�I�like season 3 even more season 2, perhaps close to my levels of enjoyment for season 1. I�must ration my watching, otherwise I will be through it all before the end of next week. I even listened to an audio commentary on an episode I had just watched, something I never usually do as I find them a waste of time.� This one was interesting and gave insights into what they were trying to do.


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charles frace plates

Itapos;s been a year, and I still canapos;t forget how sad I am that day after the disband of Ya-Ya-yah and Taiyo quit from JE. So, feeling guilty that I havenapos;t done something for ya-Ya-yah this one year, I opening a request for everyone here who wants me to translate something for you. Whatever is that, Shounen club performance, interview, talk, I will translate it. And subbed it, as a bonus :D -my friend willing to help me to sub the videos I translated xD-

For the admin, if this not allowed, just deleted it. Thanks.

Always remember about the pain. Then Ya-Ya-yah will last forever.

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emule downloading slow

  • make up all the homework i owe in math
  • get more motivated, somehow, someway
  • tickets for weezy
  • get eric dempsey off my dick
  • get on dat b.c.
  • get my permit, SOON.
  • buy more sweatpants, so comfy.
  • do all my school shit on time, no more skipping then making it up that night
  • get my eyebrows diddd
  • stop being such a little sluttttt, not kidding
  • try and include samm in my life more, iapos;m a little worried i guess, she seems so depressed, even though i know itapos;s not my fault at all.
  • buy jeans.
  • new bag?
  • okay, this is turning into a shopping list. Bye

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

foam hot wire

Auto Fiction by Hitomi Kanehara The book starts with an auto biographical theme inside the mind of a just married, insecure young woman called Rin. As you read, you wonder if the thoughts are real; being a female myself I could relate to the crazy that can go on in ones mind sometimes. However, then the main character is asked to write a book, an auto-fiction. The genre of auto fiction is defined as a fictional autobiography, or an autobiography with fictional elements. This is the main draw at the beginning of the story. Her mind is flawed and her actions desperate, but as the book progresses back in time you start to learn of what may have caused the issues she has in the present, aka the beginning of the book.

The book is written in a first-person stream-of-consciousness style, Rin frequently sidetracks from her narrative and makes you wish sheapos;d go on with the story, to get over her issues and move onto the next phase, but somehow Kanehara has a talent to keep you tied into the story, her word-weaving skills are definitely shown in this book. It is a short read, about 216 pages, but still very interesting.
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dialing international codes

Your eyes, how they seem familiar.
the sulk in their gaze, the gloss amongst the haze.
It wafts off of you; such as the scent of wilting flowers in the coming of autumnapos;s kiss-
the last hint of their mystic, abandoned with desperation into the air.
It lingers here, potent and rare:
This essence I may once again face.
and yet so compelling, so curious it is
with all lack of immaculate, virtuous space.�
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animation flash funny star war

Tuesday I dug out my bodhran for my daughter again.� Itapos;s been a (long) while since I tried playing it, but she enjoyed dancing to what beats I�could provide, anyway.� I havenapos;t had it out around her in over a year since she only seemed to want to grab the tipper and whack the drum as hard as she could.� Not good for the instrument, let me tell you.� But sheapos;s a little older now, and a bit more inclined to be respectful of things.� I�dug out the book to show her as well, and we discussed it a bit.� Maybe Iapos;ll start figuring out how to play it, now, finally.

This was all inspired by a conversation I�had with my pen pal in Saskatchewan.� She apparently bought a guitar recently, and a how-to book to teach herself how to play it.� Since she has kids a little younger than mine (they are two and a half and one, respectively), she can play kids stuff for them, and theyapos;re young enough to not be overly critical.� Apparently Iapos;m the only one of her "e-friends" (my terminology) sheapos;s told, though she dropped a tantalizing hint in her own blog.� I guess since I donapos;t know *any* of her other friends, I was a safe person to tell.� Kinda funny, that.

What else?

I could talk politics, but I think thatapos;s been overdone.

Hm.� I know.

At roughly 10am today, I�felt a familiar little tingle right in the center of my forehead.� As it persisted, I grabbed my runes out of my pack, just to see what was up.� I shuffled them around and tried to grab one or two - but five came out.� They were (in no particular order): Os, Sigel, Io, Aesc, and Ac.

Os - communication, magic, Wotan
Sigel - the sun, guidance
Io - between two realms or worlds, crossing between both
Aesc - the Ash, pride (in a good way), resilience
Ac - the Oak, strength, oaky goodness, Thunor

All interpretations are my own.� Put together, Iapos;m not completely sure what they were trying to tell me.� But the tingle in my third eye went away as soon as I pulled them.�
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

ati radeon 9800xt mac

OK so the car isnt too bad... It has a nice chunk taken out of the front bumper in two places and a cracked hood in the middle along with the hood not exactly laying flat.

I need to take it to get an estamte but the place i called doesnt seem to be opened today so i am gonna look around to see if i can find one.

Justin was really shaken and his ankle was sore so i wrapped it. He said he feels fine today so that is good.

This weekend me justin and josh are heading to Myrtle Beach and Medeval Times...woot. It is kinda like a last hurrah for the both of them Justin gets out of the army on Oct. 30 and Josh gets out Nov. 11, and married on Nov 15th so we really wanted to hang out with him before he wont see him for a good long time, but i still hope we will see him again.
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