- make up all the homework i owe in math
- get more motivated, somehow, someway
- tickets for weezy
- get eric dempsey off my dick
- get on dat b.c.
- get my permit, SOON.
- buy more sweatpants, so comfy.
- do all my school shit on time, no more skipping then making it up that night
- get my eyebrows diddd
- stop being such a little sluttttt, not kidding
- try and include samm in my life more, iapos;m a little worried i guess, she seems so depressed, even though i know itapos;s not my fault at all.
- buy jeans.
- new bag?
- okay, this is turning into a shopping list. Bye
bas nylon secretaire, emule downloading slow, emule downloading software, emule downloads, emule downloads dont start.

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