пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

foam hot wire

Auto Fiction by Hitomi Kanehara The book starts with an auto biographical theme inside the mind of a just married, insecure young woman called Rin. As you read, you wonder if the thoughts are real; being a female myself I could relate to the crazy that can go on in ones mind sometimes. However, then the main character is asked to write a book, an auto-fiction. The genre of auto fiction is defined as a fictional autobiography, or an autobiography with fictional elements. This is the main draw at the beginning of the story. Her mind is flawed and her actions desperate, but as the book progresses back in time you start to learn of what may have caused the issues she has in the present, aka the beginning of the book.

The book is written in a first-person stream-of-consciousness style, Rin frequently sidetracks from her narrative and makes you wish sheapos;d go on with the story, to get over her issues and move onto the next phase, but somehow Kanehara has a talent to keep you tied into the story, her word-weaving skills are definitely shown in this book. It is a short read, about 216 pages, but still very interesting.
foam hot wire, foam hot wire cutter, foam hot wire cutting, foam house construction.

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